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Smart Cash Sheet Inventor

Meet Mari Mandes, Founder of CashIntel™

Mari Mandes, was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico in December 8th. Recipient of a US presidential award in 1996, she holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of PR and an MBA in Business Technology from the University of Phoenix with high honors.


As an advocate of higher education, she is pursuing a Business Doctoral degree at the University of Capella and is currently on a sabbatical pursuing her dream of helping people with their business and personal finances. 


With this goal in mind, she invented the Smart Cash Sheet and founded Cashintel in 2021.


Mari has many years of collaborating with small businesses of all industries in the Accounting field, from bookkeeper to business consultant and now CEO of her own company.

Mari is the recipient of a US Presidential award in 1996

What is the Smart Cash Sheet?

  • The Smart Cash Sheet is a tool developed during the recession of 2008 to help small businesses handle their most valuable asset: Cash.


  • Just recently this tool was made available for personal use


  • It essentially is a predictor of cash patterns in the foreseeable future using the current known conditions for a business or individual.


  • It has regained tremendous popularity due inflation with an increasing need for everyone to manage their cash the smartest way possible.

What sets the Smart Cash Sheet apart?

Participants have the flexibility of selecting the best option from memberships to one-time purchase

Cash Projection

Predict with reasonable certainty your cash levels in the next 3 or 6 months.

Customizable Templates

​Following a simple set of instructions, folks with basic Excel skills can setup their own Smart Cash Sheet.

For Individuals and Families

Smart Cash Sheet works for single individuals or households with 2 income providers.


Get ahead with your cashflow today!

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